An accurate time of birth is as essential to Vedic astrology as the date of birth. Without the correct time, an astrological reading may not be very reliable and might not provide an accurate picture of future events. However, we can determine your accurate birth time using a process known as birth time rectification.
In the order form, please list 10 or more significant life events with their exact dates. If available, you may also provide the exact times of these events. Additionally, include information about key physical features, such as prominent birthmarks, scars, or mole placements, as well as any major health concerns. You are welcome to share any other information that may help us in determining your accurate birth time.
The prediction report will include:
1. Rectified birth time
2. Rasi and Amsa charts for the rectified birth time
3. A general analysis of the chart
4. Information about your Raja Yogas, Shadbala strengths, Ashtakavarga, etc.
5. Vimshottari Dasha analysis for the current Mahadasha
6. Remedies, if required, to reduce any negative impacts on life