One Important Area Of Life

This service provides an individual horoscope focused on a single area of life. In the order form, please specify your chosen area of focus, such as career, studies, health, or marriage, along with a maximum of 3 questions related to that area.



The prediction report will include:

1.    Rasi and Amsa charts

2.    A general analysis of the chart

3.    Information about your Raja Yogas, Shadbala strengths, Ashtakavarga, etc.

4.    Vimshottari Dasha analysis for the current Mahadasha, with a focus on the specific area of your life

5.    Remedies, to reduce any negative impacts


In the order form, please clearly state the one area you would like us to focus on for this analysis, and provide any relevant details to give us the necessary context regarding your chosen focus area.

Price Details : 85

Service Details

  •  Predictions will be sent by email in approximately 25 business days.
  •  The service - One year prediction, One important area of life, Ask 5 questions, 30 min video consultation, 45 min video consultation each service is only for an individual person's chart.
  •  Please contact us if you are looking to create a new multi-person or family package. We will try our best to work with you on an individual basis

If interested in any other services not mentioned above, please contact us.