Till 2019-11-06
This is a good period fot IT industries and bidy care products and for children . There may be new incentives for children to pursue higher education . Old and traditional industries exiting for long periods will do very well . The indicies will rise and economy will be good for all sectors.
From 2019-11-06 - 2019-11-08
The funding for research projects by government in colleges and universities may take a hit and is liely to be reduced and put through bureaucratic routine. New laws / practices may make higher education and research more costly and difficult especially for foreign students. Thus the indicies may become bearish.
From 2019-11-08 - 2019-11-11
There may be great differences along the party lines against the president and his administration. These differences may take deeper routes and deeper paths threating the stability of the govt and all opposition may come together and may precipitate some clear cut action and policy.
From 2019-11-11 - 2019-11-12
There may be differences with close allies and friends – in military matters and about defense strategies. Many defense deals at the edge of completion may drop out or be postponed. There may be restructuring or new appointments and some firings in defense hierarchy.
From 2019-11-12 - 2019-11-17
There may be wasteful expenditure and losses due to natural calamities and this may take a toll on human lives even. An important political person may lose his position or life in this calamity. Natiral assets of both fixed and liquid nature may be lost once for all causing great inconvenience and loss to public.
From 2019-11-17 - 2019-11-21
A few important IPOS may hit the market making it byoant and bullish in market sentiment. Important awards and recognition will come to top academicians and scientists. These people may occupy important public offices and contribute much to the countrys name fame and economy,
From 2019-11-21 - 2019-11-26
There may be natural or manmade calamities of a devastating nature and these will take a great toll on economy resources and welfare. The govtl resources will be stretched and great suufering is likely to result for the general public, Enemies of the country will use this to betray and belittle the administration.
From 2019-11-26 - 2019-11-30
This a good period for increasing the investments in infra structure and general welfare. There may be critical modifications in health care policies and which will make good the general welfare of the people. The economy and markets will become billish.