Till 2020-03-04
It will be a good period for employement in private sector and IT sector . Hospitality industry also will get lots of benefit and some relaxation in that sector may be made in spite of virus threat. Infact some ectors like hospitals and specific medium hotels get a big benefit for quantining. The market will be dull and stationary.
From 2020-03-04 - 2020-03-06
The increase in trade in defence industry will continue to grow internationally and will benefit US economy and growth of defence electrical and electronic industries. These sectors will show a bullish market and good profits. More money will be pumped as investment in these sectors.
From 2020-03-06 - 2020-03-11
There may be good investment from some rich and powerful foreign personnel and this will se good imports and exports benefitting the country and well as the country of the investor. Thus a good beginning will be made for increasing international trade instead of destructive competition. The markets will turn bullish.
From 2020-03-11 - 2020-03-15
This may be a testing period with natural amd man made calamities and these may take their toll in man power and also in major infrastructure. Still USA will come with good results to restore normal nature and use the situation to punish the mischief makers. Financial markets will be volatile in small range.
From 2020-03-15 - 2020-03-20
This is the best part of the month with very good profitability for many industries especially in manufacturing sector like vehicles and oil sector. Real estate also will grow very well and related industries get that benefit. Markets will se the best of the month.
From 2020-03-20 - 2020-03-24
This is an average period for every body – they will spend for good things of life and enjoy. In general this is a good period for investment as it will give good profits.. The financial markets will be dull but will gve good profits for thos e who invest. Schools and students will do very well.
From 2020-03-24 - 2020-03-26
This is a period where natural causes will give tough time for the common man- there may be a spike in the virus cases and its spreading and people need to be extremely careful and administration to see that panic does not spread. There may good news of vaccine being found From 2020-03-26 - 2020-03-31
This is a very good period for business and exports with friendly nations as well as other nations. IT body care products and hospitality materials will be on the top of the list and will get very good financial results. Financial markets will naturally become bullish.