Till 2019-04-06
A big conflict may arise with in the administration at the top level and this may lead to drastic
action of firing etc. Also one of the big political name may involved in a scandal and health of
another big politician may cause serious worry. Markets and finances will be naturally down.
Natural disasters may occur.
From 2019-04-06 - 2019-04-15
Income of manufacturing industries and their balance sheets may look very good but there may
be some incidents manmade or otherwise which may involve violence and loss. Security of of
manufacturing industries is essential as some calamity related to them is likely.The same may
occur in husing sector and some mischief makers may bring down whole housing sector.Markets
will be volatile.
From 2019-04-15 - 2019-04-19
The recovery from disasters that have occurred takes its own toll with lack of coordinated effort
and with out support for those affected. The medical field will shine with some good practices
and medical relief and related issues like medical insurance may have new law and simplified
procedure which will help common man.
From 2019-04-19 - 2019-04-21
The natural disasters will continue and academic discussions leading to disputes will only occur
in how to mitigate the affected, This is not a good period as fresh natural disasters may hit on
already affected people and sectors. Caution and precaution are the only solutions. Fianances wil
be very low.
From 2019-04-21 - 2019-04-26
There may be good defence deals with friendly countries and neutral countries also. This will
boost the defence industry and will improve the overall trade of America. There may be internal
differences in the administration possibly in the senators for some of the policies. These may
look like exploding but will get normalized slowly.
From 2019-04-26 - 2019-04-27
This is the best period of the month with fast recovery and aggressive decisions and
implementation by the govt. There will be new laws and procedures laid down to meet disasters
and the finances and markets will rise. The exchange value of dollar also will increase.
From 2019-04-27 - 2019-04-30
This good for medical pharmaceutical and educational and reseach sectors. New discoveries and
practices will boos both name and economy of the country. This wil naturally increase the
finances and markets wil become bullish.